Friday, October 1, 2010


Yeah, it's been a long time since I posted. I just haven't done much, and I'm a little hesitant to keep posting "nothing yet" posts. Unfortunately, this is very nearly another one, so I hesitated to write it as well. We didn't make any big progress on anything, but we made some progress on making progress on something, if that makes any sense. I went to Service Magic yesterday to find a plumber to get an estimate for the master bathroom. The guy called back and seems like a really cool dude. If the estimate goes well, hopefully we can get rolling on this project shortly and really start making progress on the bigger projects in the house.

The reason I've been dragging my feet on this one is sort of silly. I hate calling contractors. I hate trying to figure out who will be good based on nothing but a name in the phone book (or the online equivalent) and I hate setting up a time for them to come out and give estimates. I hate wondering whether I'm getting a good deal or whether the guy will bail on me when he gets a bigger project offer. Really, I don't like putting the future of one of my projects in someone else's hands. If it's me doing it, even if I don't really know what I'm doing, at least I'm in control. I can keep working on it until it's the way I like it, or tear it all out and start over if I need to. It's slower, but it's less stressful for me. I know, these feelings probably make me a control freak. This is not new information. I just want to get the house done, and since this one task is holding up everything else, I just needed to bite the bullet and get it done. That's the real reason why we haven't been doing much else. Even though there are other projects we could be working on, psychologically for me this is the next piece and I really didn't want to do the work.

On a much more productive note, I felt great after making the call. I felt like I'd made an important step, and it was inspiring. Isn't that always the way? The thing you're dreading isn't as bad as you thought it would be and when you're done you wondered what the big deal was? That's exactly how I felt. So I got home and started taping and painting the top edge of the wall in the family room. I didn't get enough done for it to be worth taking a picture, really, but I did make some real, solid progress on a project. Tonight, we're going to finish the paint in the family room (maybe even re-doing any small patches of texture that need it) and start priming in the kitchen. It's one of those small projects that we could have had done weeks ago if only we'd had the will to work on it, but I'm feeling willful. When we're done with paint in the family room, then we can start on the floor in there. I'm going to hold off a little on it, just to see what the plumber says about the bathroom. Since the master suite is above the family room, he may need to take out the ceiling to get at it. If that's the case, I want the old laminate under the hole, not our beautiful new hardwood.

Anyway, thanks for your patience and thanks for reading!


  1. If you need, I know a couple of people who do good work and can be counted on not to screw you. I have a pretty good time reading about your adventures in home renovation, and I've come to believe that it's ok not to post if you have nothing to post.

  2. I don't mind hiring people to do the work for me (and for shawn it's a money thing), but I HATE having to call people.

    For my wedding, I had two requirements for the people who were hired--1) they were on the approved list provided by the wedding venue and 2) they would deal with me entirely through the internet so I didn't have to call them.

  3. I don't know what it is. I'm not bad on the phone or anything, I just hate calling people. I also don't like the other stuff that comes with hiring out work, like having strangers in my house and having to take off work to meet with them and such. Ugh. I'm happier when I'm sweaty and gross and covered in paint and sawdust than I am on the phone.
