Friday, October 8, 2010

Five for Five!

This officially makes a post every day this week. This is mostly a planning post, but I thought I'd run it by you guys to see what you think. I've made a couple of floor plans that we could potentially use, and I wanted to get some feedback. Please leave a comment and let me know what you like and what you don't, and especially if you have any other layout ideas. I'll be continuing to work on this stuff, so any input is appreciated.

This is the one we're leaning towards. We get a good-sized shower, and get to keep the linen closet.

Here's another option. This one separates the sinks, and may feel a bit more open. What do you think?

Looking forward to hearing from you all! Thanks for reading.


  1. First one with the linen closet all the way.

  2. Are you still thinking about a pocket door? if not then I think having one of the sinks behind the door would be weird. Also loosing the linen closet for storage is sad.

  3. The top plan, I think it will be open just as much as the second, there is extra counter space on the double sink(If you and Jenna can function that close first thing in the morning and I think you can), and the closet(If it's big enough to be useful) can still stay.

    Also I'd do a half wall between the shower and use a curtain to go around to the wet wall from the door wall. With the curtain open the bathroom will be more open. The other thing you can do is put in clear shower walls on the entrance to the shower and on the toilet side. -- Just a couple of ideas.

  4. The first one for sure - you never want to lose closet space! And it looks like the bottom one would cost you the closet plus counter space - both bad for functionality (is that even a word? - I am sure you will let me know if it isn't). I really like the idea of a big shower - there isn't enough space to do the 5 piece so that is the perfect solution. I would run stuff by Mom too - she knows way more than I do!!

  5. Thanks, everyone! We're going to use the first one. Next post gives the details.
