Friday, June 25, 2010

The Doors

We are now in possession of our two new doors! Neither is hanging yet, but i think we can get significantly closer on them before too long. Here are some pictures of the new front door:

Here's the whole thing. It's going to be the "English Channel" blue color I showed you way long ago. I'm going to put a coat or two of paint on it tonight so we may be ready to hang it sometime next week. I'm really excited!

This is the lite (the only time it is acceptable to spell it this way, mind you) at the top. It's a triple-pane tempered safety glass with Argon and Mithril in it or some such. Supposed to be very insulated and very safe. I also really love the design in it.

The hole down there at the bottom is where the peephole goes, but I removed it for painting. I'm taping up the window so I don't get any paint on it.

Ta-da! All clear. I also used my utility knife to clean up some of the stray glue that squeezed out from the border around the window. I'm trying to get it really nicely prepped for paint so the paint will go on smoothly and stay looking good for a long time. I'm planning on 3 coats at least, just to ensure that the I get seriously protective coverage. A front door takes a lot of abuse, generally speaking.

I also wanted to show you the back yard patio furniture that we got. It's really comfy and we're liking it a lot. We still need to Scotch Guard the cushions to make them waterproof, so we may do that this weekend as well. There's a loveseat to this set as well.

Also, the ants are all gone finally! Last night when my dad came over to help me transport the new front door, we looked at the back door as well to see what we'll need to do. There were ant bodies everywhere. It was seriously off-putting. I didn't get a picture, but this is pretty close:


I don't think I mentioned it last time, but after the boiling water, I also sprayed some white vinegar into the crack where they were living. White vinegar is the best thing ever in the world for homeowners. You can clean stains with it, wash windows, clean carpet, kill pests, and even make a tasty salad dressing.

Jenna's miniature greenhouse continues to thrive as well. We need to find a place to put these guys pretty soon, as they're already looking a little big for their britches. I'm thinking we can move the best of them to large pots on the back patio and maybe have some salad in a few months. Woot!

That's more or less it for now. I'll post pictures of the painting process and everything soon. Thanks for reading!

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