Monday, August 23, 2010

Let my love open the drawer

It would already open, actually, it just looked a bit lame. Here's how it looked previously:

My best guess here is that someone tore the front off of the drawer, then flipped it around, then put a new piece on there with glue and screws and shame and called it a day. Ugh. It's so nice to have this thing out of there.

Here it is with the front pulled off. Looks pretty well torn up.

Which one would you rather have your utensils in?

The rails were actually in decent shape so I just put them on the new box.

The drawer front with the piece of shame-lumber glued to it. I wasn't at all sure how I was going ot get it off of there.

Oh yeah, a hammer. That'll work.

Lined up (you can see the tiny mark on the bottom piece) and pre-drilled. Ready to roll!

All finished. It's so much nicer now.

There we go. It's not unsuitable for use anymore now. Hooray!

That's about all I got done this weekend, unfortunately. We had a lot else going on, including the Warrior Dash on Sunday. Still, it's something checked off the list, which is a victory in itself. We've got some big plans for this week, but we'll have to see how they pan out before I get into them too far. Thanks for reading!

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