Tuesday, July 12, 2011

100th Post!

It's only right that this post should be super easy on me. So here are more pictures of plants!

But first, a step back in time:

This is the improved stone ring. It was originally even less organized and more jagged than this. This is still a big pain to mow around, though, and it's way too big. We've tried several times to fill this with plants, with no luck.

These plants. We tried to get them to take, but they just died a lot. The ivy is the only thing that survived the winter. It seems pretty darned hardy, actually. Still, this is just too much space to fill, apparently.

So here's what we did. We pulled those rocks out and put in some bricks. These make for a smaller, smoother circle. They should be a joy to mow around, and the smaller space inside will be easier to fill with vegetation. Hooray!

Also, those low-hanging branches are a pain when mowing.

A little bit of pruning, and everything looks much tidier. Woot.

That's butterleaf (I think?) lettuce there on the left, a mixed greens row next to that, and then cucumbers and beans on the right. Everything is growing so well! We really need to harvest some lettuce just to thin it out. It's all looking so beautiful, I can't wait to try it.

Onions, carrots and watermelons on this side. The onion tops are getting nice and big, but the onion bottoms are still quite tiny. I guess we have a bit longer to wait, still.

This is also cool. Our orange tree actually created a little blossom last week.

And now it's blooming! The other plant is a little behind this one, but they're both doing quite well.

So that's what's up over here. Not a ton, but things are progressing. All the rain the past few weeks has really helped the lawn, too. It's all green now, after many weeks of being sort of lethargic and brown. That's definitely nice, especially since our water is stupid expensive. Thanks for reading!

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