Friday, June 10, 2011

Plans Within Plans

We got a little more done in the yard, including planting our seeds in our garden. I didn't take pictures because it still just looks like a big pile of dirt. We also had my mom and dad come over and help us start on a plan for the yard. We're taking out a lot of grass, but I'm surprised by how much is still going to be left over. We have a good-sized yard. We're going to add a lot of flowers and shrubs and at least a few trees, I think. We're also planning on leaving space to build another garden bed, if we so choose.

Also, I got the sprinklers turned back on finally. I had cracked the valve last year by improperly winterizing, and my dad helped me replace it. We think we may actually need to replace the whole thing, since there's a bit of dripping going on right now. We'll see, though. It's a relatively minor problem, given that the sprinklers sprinkle and the drippers drip.

Finally, we've also decided that we're going to hire out the remainder of the master bathroom. We simply don't have the time or the expertise to finish it ourselves in anything like the timeframe we want, and it's holding up everything else in the house. We're going to have to find electricians and drywall guys and tile guys and who knows what all other kinds of guys. There will be a lot of guys. But we'll find them and we'll get everything all the way taken care of. I'll certainly keep you posted as that progresses.

Other than that, not much has been going on. We have some plants in the yard doing well, some not so much. We'll have to see what we like enough to keep and what we get rid of. I'll take pictures this weekend and let everyone know what's going on. Thanks for reading!

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